Almond comes with a Spark integration module called almond-spark, which allows you to connect to a Spark cluster and to run Spark calculations interactively from a Jupyter notebook.
It is based on ammonite-spark, adding Jupyter specific features such as progress bars and cancellation for running Spark computations.
ammonite-spark handles loading Spark in a clever way, and does not rely on a specific Spark distribution. Because of that, you can use it with any Spark 2.x version. The only limitation is that the Scala version of Spark and the running Almond kernel must match, so make sure your kernel uses the same Scala version as your Spark cluster. Spark 2.0.x - 2.3.x requires Scala 2.11. Spark 2.4.x supports both Scala 2.11 and 2.12.
Note that as of almond 0.7.0, almond only supports Scala 2.12 and therefore requires Spark 2.4.x for Scala 2.12.
For more information, see the README of ammonite-spark.
To use it, import the almond-spark dependency as well as Spark 2.x itself.
import $ivy.`org.apache.spark::spark-sql:2.4.0` // Or use any other 2.x version here
import $ivy.`sh.almond::almond-spark:0.14.1` // Not required since almond 0.7.0 (will be automatically added when importing spark)
Usually you want to disable logging in order to avoid polluting your cell outputs:
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
Then create a SparkSession
using the NotebookSparkSessionBuilder
provided by almond-spark:
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val spark = {
When running this, you should see that the cell output contains a link to the Spark UI.
Note the use of NotebookSparkSession.builder()
, instead of SparkSession.builder()
that one would use when e.g. writing a Spark job.
The builder returned by NotebookSparkSession.builder()
extends the one of SparkSession.builder()
, so that one can call .appName("foo")
, .config("key", "value")
, etc. on it.
Now you can get a SparkContext
from the SparkSession
and run Spark calculations.
def sc = spark.sparkContext
val rdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 100000000, 100)
val n = + 1).sum()
When you execute a Spark action like sum
you should see a progress bar, showing the progress of the running Spark job, as well as a link to cancel the job if you are using the Jupyter classic UI.
Syncing dependencies
If extra dependencies are loaded, via import $ivy.`…`
after the SparkSession
has been created, one should call NotebookSparkSession.sync()
for the newly added JARs to be passed to the Spark executors.
Using with standalone cluster
Simply set the master to spark://…
when building the session, e.g.
val spark = {
.config("spark.executor.instances", "4")
.config("spark.executor.memory", "2g")
Ensure the version of Spark used to start the master and executors matches the one loaded in the notebook session (via e.g. import $ivy.`org.apache.spark::spark-sql:X.Y.Z`
), and that the machine running the kernel can access / is accessible from all nodes of the standalone cluster.
Using with YARN cluster
Set the master to "yarn"
when building the session, e.g.
val spark = {
.config("spark.executor.instances", "4")
.config("spark.executor.memory", "2g")