All-included launcher
The launcher above downloads the JARs it needs upon launch. These JARs are downloaded to / picked from the cache of coursier. You may prefer to have the launcher embed all these JARs, so that nothing needs to be downloaded or picked from a cache upon launch. Passing --standalone
to the coursier bootstrap
command generates such a launcher,
$ coursier bootstrap --standalone \
-r jitpack \
-i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
--sources --default=true \
-o almond
but that launcher won't work fine until something like https://github.com/lihaoyi/Ammonite/pull/850 is merged in Ammonite.