Multiple kernels
Several versions of almond can be installed side-by-side. This is useful e.g. to have kernels for several Scala versions, or to test newer / former almond versions.
To install several version of the kernel side-by-side, just ensure the different installed versions have different ids (required) and display names (recommended).
For example, let's install almond for the scala 2.12.7
$ coursier bootstrap \
-r jitpack \
-i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
--sources --default=true \
-o almond
$ ./almond --install
$ rm -f almond
This installs almond with the default kernel id, scala
, and default display name, "Scala".
Now let's also install almond for scala 2.11.12
$ coursier bootstrap \
-r jitpack \
-i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
--sources --default=true \
-o almond-scala-2.11
$ ./almond-scala-2.11 --install --id scala211 --display-name "Scala (2.11)"
$ rm -f almond-scala-2.11
--id scala211
ensures this kernel is installed along side the former, in a directory with a different name.
--display-name "Scala (2.11)"
ensures users can differentiate both kernels, with the latter appearing in front-ends under the name "Scala (2.11)".