Install the almond kernel
A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) needs to be installed on your system. You can check if a JVM is installed by running
$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)
If you don't have a JVM yet, we recommend installing AdoptOpenJDK version 8.
Almond can then be fetched and installed with coursier, like
$ curl -Lo coursier
$ chmod +x coursier
$ ./coursier launch almond -- --install
$ rm -f coursier
Note the --
before --install
, separating the arguments passed to Almond from the ones handled by coursier.
You can specify explicit Almond and / or Scala versions, like
$ ./coursier launch almond:0.10.0 --scala 2.12.11 -- --install
Short Scala versions, like just 2.12
or 2.13
, are accepted too. The available versions of Almond can be found here. Not all Almond and Scala versions combinations are available. See the possible combinations here).
Equivalent Windows command
> bitsadmin /transfer downloadCoursierCli "%cd%\coursier"
> bitsadmin /transfer downloadCoursierBat "%cd%\coursier.bat"
> .\coursier launch almond -- --install
Once the kernel is installed, you can use it within Jupyter or nteract.
Getting help about the launcher
Pass --help
instead of --install
, like
$ ./coursier launch almond -- --help
Update the almond kernel
To update the almond kernel, just re-install it, but passing the --force
option to almond (like ./coursier launch almond -- --install --force
). That will override any previous almond (or kernel with name scala
Uninstall the almond kernel
To uninstall the almond kernel, use jupyter kernelspec remove scala